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Percutaneous Tenotomy / Fasciotomy


Percutaneous Tenotomy / Fasciotomy

  • Tendinopathy and fasciopathy are medical terms to describe damage, scar tissue, thickening, and even partial failure of the affected tendon/fascia.  At times inflammation is also present and contributing to damage to tendons and fascial tissues in the body. These can be very frustrating and painful problems.  We commonly hear about painful conditions like tennis elbow, golfers elbow, jumpers knee, or plantar fasciitis.
  • Sometimes a tendon gets inflamed which can be called “tendonitis”. Sometimes a tendon is painful due to chronic degeneration, scar tissue, or microscopic tearing and described as having “tendinosis”.
  • Traditionally, there have been limited options for effective treatments for tendinopathy or fasciopathy especially for patients with symptoms for 3 months or longer. Frequently, doctors would tell patients to just “live with it as it will eventually get better” because there were little to no  treatment options. Or the existing treatments had risks that outweighed the benefits.  
  • More recently, as we better understand tendinopathy and fasciopathy, we have been able to better understand the underlying process causing pain and dysfunction.
  • By utilizing percutaneous, minimally invasive technology, and ultrasound guidance, at Sports Health Northwest, we are able to offer patients more options for treating chronic pain and dysfunction associated with these conditions.
  • Percutaneous, minimally invasive, devices such as those known as the Tenjet and Tenex procedures have been increasingly utilized over the recent past to provide a safe and effective option to help patients with problems like tennis elbow or plantar fasciitis get better and get back to life and work. These devices selectively cut, debride, and aspirate the damaged tissue while leaving the healthy surrounding tissue intact.
  • Recovery after these procedures is relatively fast.  Depending on the site treated, most individuals need to rest the treated area for 1-2 weeks, then gradually increase their activity back to full over the next 6 weeks. 


Sports Health Northwest, Inc
12672 NW Barnes RD, STE 100
Portland, OR 97229
Phone: 503-747-6376
Fax: 503-530-8406

Office Hours

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