PDX Monthly has named Dr. David Westerdahl one of Portland’s Top Sports Medicine Doctors!

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With the cool weather, trails, an annual race called Hood to Coast, and Portland being home to some great shoe companies, it’s no wonder so many people enjoy going outside and running. Since running is a high impact sport and there is a correlation with miles and injuries, it’s no wonder runners are at risk for lower extremity injuries. Some common injuries in runners include


  • Stress fractures:  One of the dreaded running injuries is a hip or femoral neck stress fracture.  Stress fractures can occur for a variety of reasons in runners and stress fractures usually have a multifactorial etiology in runners.  These need early diagnosis and careful, diligent treatment.
  • Tendonitis:  Gluteal tendonitis and hamstring tendinitis are common types of tendinopathies affecting the hip


  • Calf Strain:  Sometimes runners can develop a calf strain from running.  Sometimes these can occur late in the run when the runner is tired and dehydrated 
  • Shin splints:  This pain along the lower leg has been attributed to heel striking and overstriding.  This can also develop into a stress reaction and stress fracture


  • Iliotibial band syndrome:  This condition causes a lot of pain along the outside of the knee.  It can build during a run and force a runner to stop running and have to walk home due to pain.  This is treatable with many different options including exercises and injections.  
  • Patellofemoral pain syndrome:  This is also known as runners knee because it is so common amongst runners.  There can be many contributing factors including strength and flexibility imbalances.   

Foot and Ankle

  • Achilles tendonitis:  This is more common in runners who are trying to change from heel striking to forefoot/midfoot running as that running form places more stress on the achilles.  Midfoot/forefoot running is more efficient though and ultimately thought to be better for the bones and joints.
  • Plantar Fasciitis:  Pretty much every runner will experience this condition at some point.  If you have pain when you get out of bed in the morning on the bottom of your heel, chances are you have plantar fasciitis.
  • Fractures:  Stress fractures of the foot and ankle are common in runners. They sometimes cause pain and swelling affecting the foot.

***If you are suffering from one of these injuries, or any other injury, schedule an appointment with Sports Health Northwest We want to help you get back to sport.


Sports Health Northwest, Inc
12672 NW Barnes RD, STE 100
Portland, OR 97229
Phone: 503-747-6376
Fax: 503-530-8406

Office Hours

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